
      Greetings fellow seekers, it’s good to see you.

      It’s with great pleasure and tremendous relief that I continue to find myself corporeal, and readily able to conduct our correspondence. It was touch and go for the briefest of moments, however it seems the bridge is holding and I, as do our majority, remain tethered to this reality.

      Equally as fortunate is the tipping of fate’s scales this week in our favor. The glorious cosmic convergence spared almost all of those who paused to bask in its majestic shadow. I must, however, express a small matter of concern in relation. There appears, by my estimation, to have been a significant increase of unqualified alarmists in my extended absence. As it was, I suffered through many a besuited soothsayer on my television spreading promises of our demise, their omens and portents falling onto willing ears, and into empty heads. An apocryphal apocalypse indeed. I simply

shudder to think how many times this civilization has collectively cried wolf. If I may, take it from one who has seen. When a wolf arrives, of which there are many, its herald shall not be the burning spectacle at the front door. It shall be climbing in the rear window.

      In other news, I’m delighted to learn that your letters are once again beginning to grace our editor's desk - a fine mahogany specimen it is too. My hope is that these dispatches can grow and evolve, as a reflection of our number and shared interest in the curious. I invite you to follow suit and write to our editor with any qualms, queries, or questions. What would you like to see in future dispatches? Are you blessed with precognition? Save us some time, and tell us what future issues hold. We shall do our utmost not to instigate a paradox.

    Until next time, keep an eye on the rear window.


Feb 12, 1809 - April 15, 1865

  16th President of the United States, shot in the back of the head by a Confederate spy at Ford's Theatre on Apr 14th. Succumbed to his injuries the following morning. Aged 56.


Sep 21, 1705 - Apr 7, 1739

Notorious highwayman, caught after shooting a man's rooster while in hiding. Paid five mourners to follow his procession, before being hanged in Knavesmire, York. Aged 33.


Jan 22, 1561 - April 9, 1626

English philosopher and statesman, died of pneumonia at Arundel mansion, Highgate, after attempting an experiment to preserve meat using snow. Aged 65.


3. Particularly pernicious particles (7)

6. Doctrine of the last things (11)

7. Beam me up (7)

9. Extreme end (5)

10. Final battle (10)

13. The Destructor, Traveler, Lord of the Sebouillia (5)

14. After the last (10)


1. Age of darkness, vice, misery, quarrel and hypocrisy (4,4)

2. Doom of the Gods (8)

4. Revelatory Riders (4,8)

5. Disco (7)

8. Before jury and execution (8)

11. Wet reset. (5)

12. Less, lost, all is gone. (4)`

15. Reigns (5)

"We are caught in the contradiction of finding life a rather perplexing puzzle which causes us a lot of misery, and at the same time being dimly aware of the boundless, limitless nature of life. So we begin looking for an answer to the puzzle."
– Joko Beck


Dec 22 - Jan 19  

Wandering alone can be lonely. Company will lighten the load, and deter stalkers.


Jan 20 - Feb 18 

Moderation will see you to the summit. Ensure you trust the person behind you at the precipice.


Feb 19 - Mar 20  

Decline the 13th request for entry this week. Bloodsuckers prowl.


Mar 21 - Apr 19  

Detox with sunlight following a bad dream. Failure to do so invites manifestation.


Apr 20 - May 20

Contact an old friend, but ask a qualifying question. They may not be who they seem.


May 21 - Jun 20  

If the shadow of a stationary object is seen to move, avoid financial investments.


Jun 21 - Jul 22

Leave at least one door ajar. Sylph's linger, and may otherwise become trapped.


Jul 23 - Aug 22  

The siren's song is sweet, but less audible in a crowd. Keep company this week.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

The auspices are clear: If the birds remain grounded this week, so should you.


Sep 23 - Oct 22  

If unusual cravings arise, witchcraft could be at play. Ring a bell thrice to dispel.


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Consider ethereal whispers post 12AM benign. Pre 12AM whispers are not.


Nov 22 - Dec 21

Ley line energy is volatile this week. Avoid crossing its path, or digging nearby.

Wish to share a thought, suggestion or comment? Lift up thy voice! Leave a message for the editor via our discord channel by clicking the button below or email us at [email protected], and you may be featured in a future Dispatch.